Hot And
Sour Soup

Maybe we should walk through the world again, you and I,
With our minds swept clean this time.
Everything would mean something new.
Stones would be kings for example
And power would be the curious shape
Pollen takes on the tip of your nose
When you lean down to smell a lily.
The names of birds and most wild creatures
Would remain the same
But flying would no longer require wings.
Birdsong would double as the name
For that bubbling liquid sound children make
When learning to speak.
In this surprising new world
Eggs would turn into omelets without breaking
Because the word breaking
Would automatically become obsolete.
Why bother with words that hurt the heart?
Open sesame would now become
The term for immigration
And the word borders
Would be too absurd to pronounce,
A shibboleth composed entirely of suffering and nonsense.
In this newly minted grammar of perpetual delight
The words God, Lord and Divine
Would finally and forever lie
Beyond all human understanding.
Each of these great and dangerous words
Would turn into a fiery canticle of peace
To be spoken or sung in every tongue.
Consequently, the human race would never be the same.
No one would ever die again for God
And countries as we know them
Would simply cease to exist.
Babel would now become the best place on the planet
For buying fresh tomatoes
And Byzantium would turn into the perfect location
For senior citizens in search of liveliness.
Laughter would remain laughter of course
And fun remain fun. Why bother to change
What can never be improved?
Other words in this category might include
Figs, wine, butter, honey, kisses, lover,
Brother, sister, porcupine and sweet.
Imagine this: our minds swept free of ancient grief.
How would that be? I’d like to think that in this mysterious
And vivid universe of brand new meanings
Physical bliss would last forever
Unless you wanted it to stop so you could take a nap.
Cruelty would mean the sound
Of someone plump and happy
Sipping hot and sour soup
In a Chinese restaurant
On a rainy day in May.
May would be a magical word meaning: far away from pain.
Pain would mean the past.